
Profile page update (profile images!) | 9-4-2020

Sorry for the long hiatus, I was working on my studies so this was dropped.

I even thaught the website was dead until I saw a certain fan made a top list of the best paths you could take in the biggest story of the website.

It blew my head and I realised I should come back and change it now.

So I first worked on the profile pages, it only showed you your favourite parts, but not even the parts you have written yourselves!
That needed to change so that is added so you don't need to add all your parts to the favourites in order to access them.

Image from Gyazo

Another thing I added is that now can see other members their profile page nad what they have written more than just the part you just read.

And last but not least.... PROFILE PICTURES! Yay! Who doesn't want them? You hover on your icon and lcick on it and a form will pop up where you can fill in the url link to your profile picture.
Because of loading time the file on the url has a max limit of 3mb otherwise it won't be added to your profile.

Image from Gyazo

Merging paths together (prototype) | 23-10-2019

After a long hiatus due to my studies, I finally went to working again!

This time I made the possebility to merging parts of a story together by importing the option from another 'unrelated' part. This way multiple options can lead to the same result. But why do I want to create meaningless choices? Well, this way the story becomes more coherent and the chances that one simple small option doesnt create a whole universe of chapters that needs to be filled.

You can import a part by going to the create form, and instead of filling out the form, click on the 'IMPORT' button.

Image from Gyazo

There you will be headed to the circular branch tree. There you click on the point you want to merge and then click on the green merge button.

On big stories, this may become a little bit troublesome, my excuses.

Image from Gyazo

Other updates, I've also created an order function to view parts from most recent to the most popular parts based on the ammount of likes!

Reading flow | 24-8-2019

I've now made the story parts link to each other in one single webpage to make it more easier for the reader to understand where they are in the story. This was done by using AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) and it makes reading so much faster and better! I changed the existing 'go back' and 'go to beginning' buttons into just one 'load previous parts' and remove the buttons on other parts. Damn... this design is getting slick!

Of course I also made other changes too!

Here are some of them:

  • You can resend the vertification mail on the profile page.
  • There is a top 3 users list on each story detail page (this is mainly to encourage more writers to log in.
  • There are more changes, but I forgot what those were XD

    As for the next update, I'll create you users the ability to START a story yourselves! But that will sadly be an exclusive feature for patreon syupporters in the future. Don't worry, it wont be expensive! But I want a small income to maintain the website a little bit. I hope you understand.

    Account system | 11-8-2019

    I've made a user account system so that you and I can get to know eachother! It has an e-mail verify system and even an password forgot functionality. :D

    There is also a profile page on where you can only your username and a log-out button. But thats not all! I've also made a favourite list where you can see your favourite story parts! You can add a story part to your favourites by clicking on the star right on the page of the corresponding part.

    And for the writers out there, your username will finally be displayed when you write a part.

    The user account system is made using the help of the youtube channel 'Clever Techie'. The tutorial video can be found here: link

    Other tweaks are as follows:

  • Empty strings aren't allowed anymore for submissions in order to prevent trolls.
  • Small style tweaks in the info page.
  • Image from Gyazo

    Circular branch tree | 16-7-2019

    I've made a circular branch tree where you can navigate towards the selected parts. That way it will be easier to navigate complicated narative branches like the one down under. You can see the tree branch by clicking the 'tree branch' button in the story information page and in every story page.

    I've also made some other fixes and tweaks which are as follows:

  • In the story info page you can see an image icon on recently added parts which have an image icon.
  • Duplication story parts bug is fixed, you may still see it in older parts, but new ones wont have this isue.
  • script tags entries have been removed, that was one dangorous bug!

  • Image from Gyazo

    Second itteration | 7-6-2019

    The website has been updated. It is therfore the end of my induvidual study for tihs project. I'll probably work on it later in July when I have summer vacation.
    The most important features are as follows:
    1. You can edit a story that you have just written if images do not work or if there are grammatical errors. Removal of a part is not possible to prevent trolls.
    2. You can see the information about the statistics of the story per story, you can also see if recent pieces have been written.
    3. There is an additional story beginning where you can write too!


    First prototype | 18-5-2019

    First release for the first test session. You can read a story part, choose and go to the option, and make one yoursdelf when you go to that option.