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Later in the day, you and your roommate go to the party. Your roommate is the one person you managed to keep contact with from high school, so you figure it will be cool to see all your ex-comrades again. The party starts normally. Then comes the time when everybody make a speech in front of everyone to explain what they became in life.
You go on the scene and start making your speech. You don't notice any changes until the moment you say you're still single. At that point, somebody thought it would be fun to transform you into a sexy girl in front of everyone. You slowly transform into a girl while doing your speech. As your clothes morph into a tight fitting dress and your new blonde hair brushes the tips of your emerging breasts, you realize that you must have gotten nervous about your speech and misplaced the lamp somewhere.
Every guy in the room whistles and yells in response to your transformation! As your shoes became high heels you scan the crowd for the perpetrator behind your transformation.