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===ACK! What're you doing to me!=== "Shhh. It's ok." You said to her calmly. ===THIS IS NOT HAPPENING (gagging and retching), STOP MAKING ME MASTURBATE INSIDE MY BODY ! I-I MEAN, MY MOM'S BODY!=== She was starting to mentally merge with her mother. ===MOM? What? What is going o-OH NO, STOP! PLEASE! I-I DON'T WANT TO BECOME MY MO-=== "Shhhhh." You said, overpowering her mind. "You are your mother, WE are your mother, and that's how it's always been. There is NO Julia, and there never was. Submit NOW!” You have asserted your dominance in Laura’s body. With those words, the last of Julia’s consciousness is absorbed into Laura’s. ===Hnnggg... Yes... I am Laura... and I'm cumming...===