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Surprise! Bet you didn't see a CAR coming on the ROAD in which you were WALKING ON. After a good hour and fifteen of running you stop on the road to take a breather, it was probably the fact that your heart and lungs were beating heavily over your chest, clouding your senses. Only turning to hear the rev of a car at the very last second. As you turn frozen in panic, your body takes the full blow of the vehicle and it goes dark. You wake up to the beeps of a heart monitor as your senses slowly come to you. Something feels strange, your not sure whether you feel different or that you just cant feel anything. When soon a doctor comes in and checks with you, a young lady with blond hair in a ponytail and big glasses. "Hello! It's good to see your awake". "What happened?" you ask feebly, your voice sounding different, like it was damaged but healing, but not back to the way it was. "Your lucky to be alive" she responds "Several of your bones and muscles were torn, major damage was mostly to the rib and pelvis area... Thankfully the woman driving the car called us immediately so we could pick you up and save your life." She then chuckles nervously "The only issue is you were loosing blood at a rapid pace, and we needed to get you to our closest bay, which happened to be our woman's site "SITE B", the B stands for... some derogatory term. But the point is we had to repair your body with only the tools we had available here and at a pretty fast pace. So i guess what i'm saying is... well... Take a look" She then holds up a mirror to your face. It's unmistakable, your a woman now, well it's better than being dead. You are a very lucky lady.