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Your about ten minutes away from your destination when CeCe asks "Would you like to change into a different outfit for event: DATE NIGHT?"
You tell yourself it's the Gabriella part talking to you, because as little as you want to go back into the claws and vacuums, you wouldn't mind trying on more dresses and outfits, your only going to do this once and you've got your best and sexiest for your hunky TyBaby-
ew, is that what she calls him? Never mind. "Yes please"
The claws come out once again and begin their work: *Removing suit* *Removing undergarments* *removing heels* *removing makeup*. *Putting on undergarments* *Putting on dress* *Putting on heels* *Applying makeup* *Styling hair* *Adding perfume* OUTFIT COMPLETE.
You gotta admit it, CeCe has outdone herself, you feel sexy and powerful.