While you clean quickly for to be able to use the lamp, you see your cat playing with the others, dirtying more, you manage to control yourself something, and scare them away.
Your cat does not seem to like this, so it goes where the lamp is, you cannot stop it, since you already cleaned where the lamp was, you see the cat bites the lamp again and it gives off a shine.
You feel your hair grows, your body develops more, being a sexier girl, your clothes shrink showing more skin, you see this angry and knowing that you will stay like this, for a moment it seems that you have control of your body, so you go where your cat wanting to grab him, cage him, throw him out of the house, but when you arrives instead, you caress him with affection, saying nice things, he begins to purr and rub on your body, more sensitive
This is how you behave now with everyone at home, in a more good and sexy way, with your cat or the other cats, especially with your roommate or master, at first you tried to fight this, but finally you decide to continue with your life and relax and have fun the moments you have when you are free controlling your body