After this you see around, it seems that the decoration changed, you look in the mirror and surprised you see that have breasts, a more beautiful face, thin waist, you are a girl with purple hair and also with ears and cat tail, you touch all your body and, yes you're really a catgirl, think why this happened, you're going to want to grab the lamp and see your cat meowing, maybe it's his fault, but suddenly behind him there is a strange cat, it's a skitty, a Pokemon, you are surprised by this, you see through your window and on the street you see more people walking with ears, tails and other animal features, in addition some are accompanied by different pokemons, but also with normal pets such as dogs, cats and others All this seems surprising to you, search in the web and really in this world the animals, pokemons, normal people and those with animal traits, live together, for many years, this causes you happiness and you go outside running, until you remember the new body you have and the somewhat uncomfortable sensation of this, so then you lie to rest on your lawn, your cat and your pokemon lie down next to you, while you seem to stop importing the body you have now.