She says she wants to play, it is also close to Halloween and wants to go trick-or-treating, since she doesn't usually go much because she has few friends, no brothers and her parents are busy, as she would wish to go this year, so you see the lamp shine.
Then, you see her with cat ears and tail, in addition to clothing suitable for covering, you approach her but you feel something strange, your head and chest are heavier, you see that you have long hair, you go to see yourself in the mirror and see clearly you are a busty cat girl disguised as a sexy witch, you get scared and touch your most sensitive body, see the girl celebrating what happened, and now can go for sweets.
You ask her for the lamp, that both go, although for a while for sweets, but you don't want to do it like that, like a sexy girl, being seen by guys, then she looks at you with a thinking and smiling face and holding the lamp you hear her wish she wants change bodies with you, and you see the shine again.
When you reopen your eyes everything is bigger, see your body as a girl, but it is no longer your body, you run quickly to the mirror and yes, you are the little girl.
Now you will not attract the attention of boys, since now you are a cute and tender little catgirl, and I the beautiful sexy girl who is in charge, and we will go for a good time to ask for sweets.
Now with more reason you are scared, and remember the lamp, but you leave it throwned when you come to see yourself in the mirror, you run to grab it, but your neighbor takes this.
Sure you want to use a wish to turn back, but I don't want that, mmm, I know, I wish I was a real great witch, she says and you see the shine again.
Now they are asking for sweets from house to house, with her, you acting like a pretty little girl, while she acts like your mom, doing good tricks to people who don't give them sweets; Like a young couple who wanted to spend this night alone in a romantic way, and when we got to their house, they treated us badly, now they accompany us, the girl as a foxgirl with black hair, something optimistic about having a better body, and the guy as a white foxgirl, with a serious face about what happened to him; or a boy who did not want to take his little sister trick or treating, now he is a blonde girl who follows us closely asking for candy with her sister.