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As you walked throughout the streets, trying to stay undetected, you begin to hear another group of people patrolling the street. Looking for a way out, you quickly duck into a nearby store. As you run in, you immediately tell it is not your average store, rather its a dress store that has a wide variety of dresses spanning row after row, all in different styles and colors. You've never come here before, as from what you have heard is that dress the dresses here are not cheap.
Hearing the patrolling group outside becoming louder and louder, you quickly run for a nearby assistance counter and duck behind it and hope nobody saw you. As you held your breathe, you could hear the group walking by before after what seemed like an eternity, the sound of the group began to fade away, allowing you to breathe a sigh of relief.
As you were about to stand up, you hear the doors to the store open. You peak up to see three girls, each wearing a different kind of leather dress and high heels, as they begin to walk and browse around the store. You have to get out of there, it could be only a matter of time before they find you in your hiding place.