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With so many options, you decide not to go crazy with this quiz. You simply fill it out at random and then head up to hand it in.
“Done already, dear?” Asks your mom.
“Yeah...mom...they are all right. I’m sure of it,” you say, knowing reality has now made it so.
Nodding and giving you a quick kiss on the cheek, your mom tells you to go sit down. Gross. Back at your desk, you shuffle through Emilia’s changed memories, finding that she loved her “new” mom but always was embarrassed she was a teacher. Seems pretty standard. Making Mrs. Greenwood into her mom (Mrs. Palmer) didn’t change too much outside of the obvious aesthetic and family differences. It appears she grew up in the same house and had mostly the same life, and you of course have memories of Emilia’s altered appearance due to new genes. You find out that your mom, Marie, is actually a very smart and caring woman...but perhaps making her a mom softened her up a bit from that chem persona you saw and that rather professional English one. Your daydreaming is interrupted by the bell, and you quickly scurry out of the room to avoid talking to your mom. At least you know she will give you an A+