You are now wearing casual thanks to clothes sentience. You get a call from your secretary informing about a second meeting in the house of a Japanese business man. Frank:"Pretty busy,right? Jeannie turned my car into a Mercedes, pretty crazy right? Since, I am working under you, I am taking holidays for few days spending from my thick bank account. Why don't we hit clubs after your meeting at night, okay?" You: "Okay, cool" You go to your room, open your laptop and go through the meeting details. Apparently, this Japanese man's not willing to sell his algorithm to her company which can benefit her compression logistics software.(You have no idea how you seem to recall the algorithms). Today it's the final opportunity to close the deal, which may prove to be lucrative for her company. You need to go there now. But before, that you find yourself surrounded by a whirlpool of clothes. Meetings require proper attire. There are lot of outfits floating around.