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"This isn't what i wished for! You have to change me back!" you exclaim with a slight hickup in your voice. Your voice sounds very feminine and is naturally seductive. This surprises you enough to destract you for just a second.
The genie towers over you as you sit uncomfortably on the ground. In a stern voice he responds "I am bound to fulfill my masters wishes and I have done exactly that. It is my task to do what you ask of me. It is your task however, to make it clear to me what your wishes are. You have failed to do so and now you have to suffer the consequences". With a sadistic smile he adds "If it offers you any consolation, you have turned out to be quite the beauty".
You feel even smaller than you already did as you notice how the genie is shamelessly looking directly into your cleavage.
You ask if you can use your second wish to become human again. Oncemore you are destracted by your new feminine voice.
The genie responds by telling you that he cannot undo a wish. Once a wish has been granted it becomes irreversable.
You sit awkwardly on the ground, thinking about what your next move is going to be.