You were wrong, he starts making out with you. He cannot control himself anymore, neither can you. You both strip down and you fuck.
"Oh-oh-oh-oh", leaves your mouth soon.
"And? Do you like dick now? Or were you just talk? You sound like this dick is literally giving you a hard time "sis"", you mocks you, while you are overwhelmed by the hits in your groin.
"I-I... suck... you... Oh-oh-ah ... dry BROTHER."
"Yeah, thats what I would have said. Pretend enjoying it, little slut. This is all you can do now, little brother. Sucking and having your chet hoping, getting slapped by your own weight. And when I cum, I fill up your entire body. You will feel like drowning from below!"
"Drowning? Wha-at nonsense is... this? AH! I suck you dry... and make you BEG, for mercy! Ahhh-- while I still, suck more liquid.. out of... YOU! AHHHH!", you moan.
"Don't be silly, girl.", he grabs your breasts. "Soon you will travel far away with your mind into "orgasm land". Haha!", he further mocks you while punding you up and down.
Unfortunately for you, it seems like you will argasm much ealier than he. And since he starts playing with your nipples, you can barely hold back.
You need an idea soon!
"Ohhh-ohhh-ohh-aaaaaah", you scream when you feel liquid splashing out of your groin. Your view blends out and all went black, when you only feel yourself losing water and hear your own scream. You cum, he made you cum. You ejacuated as a female, from your little hole between your legs, spreading it all over your thighs and your brother.
It is too late. Your brother on the other hand, still has energy left.