In order to adjust the trajectory of transformation, you are supposed to hold the fruit in the desired shape. So you hold a pear. When the wave hits, your body feels like melting. Your face gets wider, and softer, and your muscles turn to fat, your chest swells, but all these are only minor changes. When the transformation moves towards your legs, you start feeling your hips widening, your waist adjusting to your broader hips. Fat of your belly distributes down and accumulates on your thighs. Although the rest of your body seems to be complete, your down part is not. Your balls suck in, placed somewhere after stretched apart, between your hips. Your wide hips enable your balls to form large ovaries, while your dick retreats inside until it is buried under vaginal lips. For your first time, you don't feel it anymore, like it is gone completely, but probably it is only passive until erected. Before you can even think about checking, your legs further shake, as their fat and muscles grow down where. Most of your changes are felt below you tits. While your tits had only a minor change of "opping out", your body below changed into an entirely different form, with a new weight center. Although you are rather flat chested, noone could mistake you for a girl! In the end, you are a pear-shaped female, with a narrow waist below her shoulders, but wide hips and thick thighs.