Hitting isn't the best option, but this might be your only chance. And she really tries to make your life harder, and all this was her fault in the first place anyways! So, it will be okay to hit her this one time! So you hit her, but it is only a slap. She holds her face and gives a shocked look at you. "Did you just HIT ME?" "Just wait, I will make you hit no one ever again!" She manages to pass you and reach out for her tools, despite all of your efforts. You feel your chest swelling. "I will make your boobs as big as you will never hit anyone ever again!" Your breasts are still growing, and you start loosing balance. "ahhh, whooo, ooooh", you moan. "Hey isn't... ahhh... this.... hgggg... enough?" Your breasts already huge enough to cover your entire view to the ground. But your chest is keep growing. You feel like they will explode. "Hey, it is enough" But your rival ignores you. You are pretty sure, your chest will just explode, you prepare for the worst. YOur heart pumping, not knowing what is gonna happen. YOur chest still swells. Finally, it slows down and your breasts seem to have hit their maximum size. "Good luck with ever hitting someone now. With these tits, even grabing a glas will be a challange. But you probably find a man soon enough, who will satisfy all your needs. And I am sure, water isn't the only thing you will drink then. Hahahahahaha!"