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You: I don't want to do it but I don't want to stay as a girl too. I guess I have to do it.
You hear knock on the door.
You: fuck I forget James were supposed to come. I hope it'll not get crazy.
You approach the door to open it.
Chelsea: that is a great opportunity.
She cast spell on you to be the ideal girl for James.
Your body doesn't changed at all but your mind is becomes more girly.
James: hi who are you?
Your sister: Oops he doesn't know her I can fix that.
James: oh Jennifer hi, what's up?
You: I'm fine ( he talking to me? Why am I responded to this name?)
You: come in.
James: thanks, so you want to start the homeworks
You: yeah of course, come to my room. ( The reason he's here doesn't changed.)
You sit on your bed started feel horny