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Next to you a phone is ringing. Still half asleep you pick it up and see that Sandra, your girlfriend, is calling. Instinctively you pick up the call, "Hey Sandy, what's up?". All you hear is Sandra gasping, followed by silence. "Hello? Sandy? I'm at Ben's place.", you said, hoping to calm down whatever seems to be upsetting Sandra. In the background you heard someone crying, what was going on? "Sandra? Is anyone with you?", you ask, but instead of answering your question she just says: "Oh my god, it really is you!". Of course I was me, who else would I be? "Are you okay, Sandra? Of course it's me.", my confusion only grew. "You idiot, haven't you noticed yet? You somehow swapped bodies with Maggie! She is here with me in YOUR body, so you must be in hers!", she exclaimed angrily. "I did WHAT?", was all I got out before I tossed the blanket aside to reveal a womans body in underwear. I had never seen Maggie in her underwear, but judgeing from her body shape it seemed to be hers. Hod did that happen!?