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The water was nice and hot with bubbles floating all around the tub... 'were you to be alone in this tub right now, it would have been the most perfect bath' you thought to yourself... and although it was very relaxing, you were still not willing to free yourself completely and enjoy this bath given the conflict you felt between enjoying it and maybe not wanting it.
Ben sat right behind you wrapping is hands around your chest, occasionally playing with your breasts. You rested your head against his chest and with your eyes closed, spent time fighting your conflicts in your head.
A few minutes into the bath, you could feel Ben's manhood against your lower back erect and steady once again. You wondered how he did that... but you go back to resting ignoring this.
"I know you might not admit it... but I am still going to ask" Ben said. He took a pause and continued... "Did you enjoy our time together? doesn't what we are having make you feel good?
You knew he was right... his questions were exactly the reason why you were battling those conflicts within. But none the less what Ben had done wasn't right and you didn't want to feed his ego even a little so you ignored his questions and stayed quite.
"Maggie always loves it, she says I'm really really good in bed and that she is lucky to have a man who can make her feel so good" Ben tells you still trying to get you to speak.
Of course you chose not to react. After a while you got up walking towards the shower. "I'll be out in 5 minutes Ben" Please have your shower next and be quick" you tel Ben. "I'll grab one of your shorts and tee for the time being. Will go home once you've swapped me and Maggie back and return it later" you add.