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As you get done doing the dishes, you walk to Ben who was busy working on his computer. You stand at the door of his office room watching him for a while till he realised you were watching him.
“Hey…” Ben said turning around his chair towards the door… looking at you…
“Sorry to disturb you” you said still standing at the door.
“Not at all… I was just going through some work emails”
“Thats great!… Ummm I was just thinking I should go back to my place” You tell him
Ben maybe wasn’t expecting that! But he didn’t know what to say… non the less he says “Yeah what ever makes you feel comfortable!”
“Take care… bye…” you say as you look for the keys to your car, apartment and your wallet & phone.
“I’ve been trying to get in touch with Trevor, he isn’t taking my calls. I’ll call you if there’s any update!”
“Umm Sure” you say closing your lips tightly together and shruging your shoulders a little. You say goodbye and leave.
As you get into the car, you decide to drive around a little in the city before going home. You pass the supermarket where you feel like picking up some wine! So you go into the store and pick up a nice bottle and head to the checkout counter. A strange incident though happens when they ask you for your ID cause you were buying alcohol.
So you open your wallet and hand over your ID to them. However they look at you a little annoyed.
“Ma’am, we need your ID not your husband’s” they say.
It takes you a while to realise what was going wrong here! When you do realise you go “Urgh damit!”
Just then someone taps you from behind! You don’t recognise her but she happens to be your saver… “Hey Maggieeeee how are you!?” She says excitedly
“Heyyy I’m great! How are you?” You wanted to greet her by name but you din’t know her…
“All well dear! Looks like you’ve forgoten your id at home… let me get that for you!” She says…
“Oh thank youuu so muchhh!” You say sounding very relieved… you her the money and she buys you the wine!
“Catch you later then honey, Ciao! Say hi to Ben okay?” She says.
“I will! Thanks again for this! See ya!!” You respond.
As you get back in the car you still want to drive around a little more, you found it to be relaxing until the moment you started to overspeed and also skip a red light! You were simply too lost in your thoughts to realise and it was too late when you did cause by then the cops were following you with their sirens on!
You obvioisly had to stop by the side… the cops stopped too and as you frustratingly watched in the side view mirror… you could see them approach you