After you finish your performance, you decide to head back to your house, to go and have a nice night of rest after giving such a phenomenal performance to all of your loyal fans.
Now, unbeknownst to your new mind and memories, your house has changed a bit to fit your new look and lifestyle. The exterior and interior of your house has become like that of a mansion, with purple walls and jet black flooring. The walls of your house contain posters of your greatest performances to your many fans, and an entire sound studio is now present inside of your basement, but of course you believe that all of these things were there to begin with, so it doesn't alarm you.
Anyway, you continue on with your day for the most part; you take a shower using octoling ink, brush your teeth, and eat some dinner before getting to bed, and it's here that your mind begins to wander as you begin to debate how you can get even more fans to your performances. After all, you're only a one octoling show, so you can only do so much to please your fans. "Wait a second, what if I get more musical cephalopods to go into my band?," You say to yourself. After all, there's quite a bit of humans that are still uninfected, so if you were able to infect some of the remaining humans, then you might be able to get an entire band of cephalopod sound artists to perform to the masses. But what kind of instrument should the first of these 3 other potential band members play? You then begin to debate this while you lie in your bed.