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Finally, waiting for so many hours & struggles,The package successfully reached to myself.I received the package & hurried to my room with it.I couldn't wait any longer,I cut those tapes & unboxed the parcel.After opening it,I found a gun & a user manual.
At first,I put out the gun & held it in my hand.Then,I was curious to use it now,But I didn't know how to use the gun.There,I took out the manual & started reading it.
Good day,Mr.We hope you're well.As you've gotten the "Special Gun"You might be curious to use the gun.But before that,You must know how to use it.Here's some instructions:-
It's an upgraded Super technology gun.It's obvious you don't know how to use it.So,This gun has some special techs
1.Body swap Button:-It will let two or more people to exchange their souls.
2.Shapeshift Button:-It will allow the user to shapeshift into anything but you must insert any photo of that thing or person.
3.Brainwash button:-It just manipulates other's brain.
4.Brainwashed Shapeshift button:-This button will brainwash the person to think according to your settings.
5.Brainwashed Body swap button:-This button will brainwash the person whom you want to body swap.After using this button,The other person will think they're always in that respective body.
We hope that you understand all the instructions.If not,try using it & get a demonstration.{There's no time limit,you can use these buttons as many times/much time as you want.}We hope you'll find this device to be the "Most Special Thing"in your life.
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