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Michelle focusses on the wish and suddenly, a bright light appears from Michelles small body. You recognise this light as similar to the one that turned you into Pokémon in the first place. The light gets bigger and brighter. Then, with a flash, it escapes from Jirachi and travels all across the globe. Returning everyone to their usual self. Or so you thought.
Since Jirachi was only halfway through granting the wish when she was transformed back to normal. Everyone, except Jirachi, only transformed halfway too.
After the flash, you see that you have human hands again, though they seem smaller and more feminine than before. When you look down at the rest of your body, you see two large breasts sitting on your chest. They feel soft and sensitive to the touch. Your legs have turned into a mermaid like tail. You have turned into a vaporeon-mermaid hybrid and are still female too.