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After walking up to the girl. I ask her what’s her name? She replied with Sarah. I reply with I’m bringing you home she was quite pleased with that. After Sarah gotten into the car. I started to drive her to a hotel. During the drive I noticed she was wearing a sweater that was far too big for. She was Also wearing long jeans. She was Also, wearing glasses. After all of that, Was when I made my wish. that she age to at least 20 years old. That's when It began with her getting taller she was probably like 4,5 before, but now she jumped up in height to at least 5,9 seconds later, her jeans ripped apart and became tiny shorts. Then it went up to her chest where it started to grow breasts at least to the size of D cups? Also, her sweater that used to be far too baggy for her to wear. Pretty much became a perfect fit. Then it was at the last part. Was when her face became far more feminist she even lost her glasses. After all of that, that little girl was scared and freaked out on what just happened.