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After he was done work he was just driving home. When he saw he had two cars in his driveway. But the only thing he was thinking is why is my old wife’s car still here in the driveway? It Don’t take long for him to know why. After walking into the home ready to argue with his old wife. He noticed two women started to hug him and all started to say welcome home husband. He was shocked to see his old wife calling him husband with his real wife. then that’s when he said so someone must’ve messed with the golden lamp when I was gone. After running upstairs to my room. I saw who was to blame. It was my daughter. She must’ve been the one that made this whole thing happened. After I started to walking up to her. Was when she made her wish. My second wish is that he forgives me. For just being a bad girl. After making that second wish. She went from 12 to 16 years old. Then Her breasts exploded in size. She even got taller. Then her white T-shirt became a white bikini top. That also when her jeans rip apart into is something you can barely even call jeans. With that transformation. Her father‘s sudden change in his reaction. Turned into what did you do this time? Young lady.