You try to focus all of your remaining neurons on that book as your body just craves sex. You try to be discret, but you're far too stupid to hide something to this smartie in front of you. As he sees you trying to get free, he just seems to be really amused. But his sadism takes over his wisdom, and he wants to play even more with you.
"You want to read that book? I was thinking that you were just a dumb bimbo that can't even read!"
"No... me, like, not dumb... Me know reading"
"you think so? What is written on the book cover?"
He then looks at you and you feel the power of his pendulum.
"You can't even read"
"Me, like, don't look into those, like, book thinguies!"
You are now feeling your IQ drop even more, as you focus on those strange signs on the boring thing that you have in your right hand. You know realise that those signs means nothing to you. Yoour IQ is now approximately 60. As you try to read, you are preapared to knock him out.
"It's write, like, di... dicta...hum...Why this is, like, totes cumplacitid, complic..., like, soooooo hard?"
"Now drop that book"
You drop the book wich falls... on the men's head! As he falls, You see some red thingy flows from his head. You are now entirely free.
"Wow! That, like, meanie is, like, sleeping! hehe! Me soooooooo horny! And why me, like, feel sooo stuuuuuuupiddd? Like... Me need cock right now!"