You are going out with your girlfriend for a good time, and you want to pass like that for your life, so to speed things up, avoid stress and fear that something goes wrong, you ask for your desire to marry your girlfriend, you see a new flash, and you feel everything again
You feel that the atmosphere is changing now, you are on the outskirts of a church, there is a noise of people giving ovation and congratulations, you open your eyes and see your happy and beauty girlfriend, but wearing a white suit instead of dress, and is taller now, or is that you are shorter
You feel your body lighter and softer, just like your clothes, in that you realize that you are wearing the white dress, you touch your body and you finally realize that you are a girl, even for some reason a cat girl, you are paralyzed by this.
But this does not last long, since your girlfriend to cheer you up quickly, it starts to load you, this surprises you since now you feel more strongly your new body, but also that of your girlfriend, remembering to be in contact with her, brings to you good memories until you stop caring what happened, what matters is that you marry her, even if you are the bride