The genie, still a bit puzzled by your commitment, agrees to make you into the lamp. You are turned into the lamp, and, as a result, free the genie.
"Thank you for freeing me from my curse!" The former genie, who now goes by Morris, exclaims. "I was cursed to be forced to stay a genie until one stupid enough to want to be the lamp wished to be the lamp!"
You try to respond, but you are unable to. Lamps can't speak. They are inanimate objects.
"You may be questioning me, 'Oh Morris! what is my fate?' Well, to that I tell you that by becoming the lamp you also became the genie of that lamp!" Morris then grabs you, and starts to carry your new form outside. "And now, let us test if you really work!"
Morris starts to rub you. It feels very... odd, but satisfying. Very satisfying. You want it more. Morris then stops rubbing and releases you from the lamp, much to your dismay.
You have become a female genie, wearing little clothing consisting of a small, purple bra with golden trim. And instead of having legs, you have a trail of smoke from your hips to the lamp. You have a tall, skinny stature and lavender skin, which matches with your smoke color.
"Now then, where are my three wishes I get?"
"Y-yes, master..." you mutter, hating hearing yourself hear those words.
"For my first wish, I wish that I had a girlfriend," Morris replies smugly.