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A strict looking woman comes behind you and ask meanly:
"- So, YOU'RE the responsible of this craziness ?"
This must be Mr. Perv (that's not his real name but that's how we call him). He looks even more severe as a woman ! Fred exclaim himself :
"- I thought I wished that every girl didn't remember being a guy before !"
Suddenly, the genie comes out of the lamp that fell on the floor and says :
"- Well, actually, it was your fourth wish so, I couldn't grant it !"
The genie then return in the lamp. Mr Perv starts a monologue :
"- I always wanted to touch some big boobs but I never wanted to HAVE boobs ! You two are going to be severly punished ! I even think that I will use some awesome powers to do that !"
He then took the lamp and rubed it. The genie appeared and Mr Perv wished :
"- I want to have an infinity of wishes
- I normally don't realise this wish but that might be fun this time, respond the genie."
A weird red aura appeared around Mr. Perv and a devilish smile appeared on his face. Apparently, his wish became true !