After your wish is fulfilled you feel that you are in an alley, it is dark, it is already night, suddenly you feel the air running directly to your body, you hug and do not feel any clothes, also your body is softer, weak you look yourself and you give a shout, some breasts, thin waist, a vagina in your crotch, you are a girl, you touch all this and the rest of your body, feeling a tail on your back, and cat ears on your head, you are a cat girl, you start shaking from the cold and fear.
From the shout and your movements that you gave, you start to see that called attention, quickly you leave the alley and walk down the street, it is a street that you know, with few carefree people and it is not far from your house, so you decide to start walking fast, some ask you what happened, another you throw compliments, you for fear and distrust do not speak to anyone, you continue your step towards your house, finally you arrive, you have no key and you decide to knock on the door, waiting for your roommate to be in home and also the lamp remains in your room without being used, someone opens the door and you prepare to give an explanation and let you input in safely.